S-African Satanist Co-Founder Encounters Jesus Supernaturally

  • Resigns, tells his story of experiencing God’s Love

One of the co-founders of the South African Satanic Church (SASC), Riaan Swiegelaar has resigned his position as the head of the controversial church. Swiegelaar also resigned from the church council and his membership in the body.

Swiegelaar, a former Reverend at SASC, stepped down from his position in May and took to his Facebook page on July 4 to share his testimony.

The SASC Movement co-founder is now telling his personal story about choosing to leave Satanism after his heart was overwhelmed with the love of Jesus.

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According to him; “I’m doing this live video because many, more than 100 people, on WhatsApp and almost 200 on Facebook, are sending me messages wanting to know why did I leave the South African Satanic Church as well as why did I turn my back on Satanism.

“To be very honest, I initially thought I will slip out the back door quietly and I didn’t really think that people would be this interested in why I am doing what I’m doing. I’m going to talk about my experience. I’m going to talk about my choices.”

In a live video broadcast on Facebook, Swiegelaar said, “To be very honest, I initially thought I’d quietly slip out the backdoor and I didn’t think people would be so interested in why I do what I do.”

Explaining his engagement in Satanism because it resonated with him at the time and because he was “very sad and very broken, without realising it”. “I think a lot of people resonate with Satanism when they come from a very broken place.”

“I have met thousands of Satanists over the past year and they are extremely hurt and broken—that’s the one thing they all have in common,” Swiegelaar added.

Bursting into tears, he further said; “To this day, there have only been four Christians in my entire life who have shown me what unconditional love is. ”

Adele Frey, one of the people, who supported him, messaged him, saying she just did a simple thing by showing him love, adding; “People, showing love for others is everything. You showed me the love of Christ, I saw it in you”.

Swiegelaar stated that Frey showed him, unconditional love, at a time when he was an “ugly monster”, and when he adopted Christians who do that. “You showed me, unconditional love. ”

In mid-May, Swiegelaar conducted his last interview as a member of the SASC on the CapeTalk radio station, not knowing it would be his last radio interview as an oldie.

Swigelaar said in the interview that he does not believe that Jesus Christ exists. A lady from the radio team walked up to him after the interview and hugged him in a way he had never been hugged before.

A week later, he saw on WhatsApp that the woman is a Christian. “I never had a Christian do that. I have never experienced a Christian show so much love towards a self-knowing satanist. And it stayed with me, though.”

A week later, when Swiegelaar had to perform a ritual to see “what the next phase is to gain more influence and power”, he did the ritual and during the ritual, Jesus appeared before him.

He said, “If you are Jesus, you have to prove it. “Dizzy says he is overflowing with the most beautiful love and energy. “And I recognized it right away, like the woman at the radio station pointed it out to me. This is how I recognized the love of Christ.”

Dizzy expands more about his experience in the live Facebook video that’s over 30 minutes long. Swiegelaar said living a gay life, he felt unworthy of God’s love, adding that for the past month, he has been having “real conversations with God, and the Kingdom of God is not a gated community, it is open to everybody.”

Meanwhile, the SCSA confirmed Swiegelaar’s resignation and thanked him for his contribution in a press statement.

The statement by SASC, whose membership, Swiegelaar noted, is growing by the day, stated thus; “We, as the SASC Council, want to thank Swiegalaar for his contribution, both as the pastor and the co-founder of the SA Satanic Church. We wish him success in all his future endeavors.” video

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